June 20, 2014

Warcraft III Reign of Chaos & The Frozen Throne Full Version

Warcraft III takes place on a map of varying size, such as large plains and fields, with terrain features like rivers, mountains, seas, or cliffs. In Campaign mode, the map is initially covered with the Black Mask, an impenetrable covering. The Mask is removed from areas that have been explored, but those that are no longer within sight range of an allied unit or building are instead covered with the Fog of war; though terrain remains visible, changes such as enemy troop movements and building construction are unseen. During a game, players must establish settlements to gain resources, defend against other players, and train units to explore the map and attack computer controlled foes. There are three main resources that are managed in Warcraft III: gold, lumber, and food. The first two are required to construct units and buildings, while food restricts the maximum number of units the player may control at one time.



System Requirements
- CPU Pentium II 400MHz
- VGA 8MB DirectX compatible 3D Accelerated Video Card
- DX DirectX 8.1
- OS Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
- HDD 550MB

- You need Warcraft III Reign of Chaos installed to install Frozen Throne
- If you gets No CD Error please install Frozen Throne latest patch
- There is a readme.txt in each version for instruction how to install the game
- Use Game Booster to improve your gaming performance
- If needed use UltraISO or Daemon Tools to mount the game disc
- You need BitTorrent to download the torrent version
- Use Internet Download Manager to improve your regular download speed
- If you love the game please buy it to support the developer

Required system software to play the game ( Optional )
DirectX Update - Download
NET Framework Update - Download
Visual C++ 2008 SP1 - Download
Visual C++ 2010 SP1 - Download
Visual C++ 2012 - Download
Visual C++ 2013 - Download
Visual C++ 2015 - Download

Important Notice – RataMap recently been taken down and now succesfuly recovered, but lots of useful comments and solutions are failed to recover/gone, so if you need assistance or question about any game that i post here just write it on the comment section and i will respond as soon as possible. Thank You


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