March 23, 2015

SWAT 3 Full Version

SWAT 3 is a tactical team-based first person shooter played cooperatively with computer or human-controlled teammates, as a five-man Police SWAT element. The game is divided into missions, representing separate SWAT deployments to various crisis situations. Mission environments are typically indoors, necessitating room-to-room CQB tactics. Operations include hostage rescue, armed standoffs and bomb disposal. Enemies, referred to as 'suspects', include individuals, disorganised small groups and trained, politically-motivated terrorists.

The pre-mission loadout screen. The weaponry and ammunition loadout of each officer in the element is customizable to suit different situations. Unlike military shooters, such as the comparable Rainbow Six games, the player and teammates are cast as police officers rather than soldiers. The primary objective when dealing with armed suspects is to arrest alive instead of shooting on sight. Some incidents of unauthorized use of lethal force (shooting an unarmed, incapacitated, surrendering or non-threatening character) will result in mission failure.

SWAT Series :
- SWAT 3


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System Requirements
- CPU 1 GHz
- RAM 256B
- VGA 64 MB video card
- DX DirectX 9.0c
- OS Windows XP/Vista/7
- HDD 1 GB 
- Sound DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card 

- There is a readme.txt in each version for instruction how to install the game
- Use Game Booster to improve your gaming performance
- If needed use UltraISO or Daemon Tools to mount the game disc
- You need BitTorrent to download the torrent version
- Use Internet Download Manager to improve your regular download speed 
- If you love the game please buy it to support the developer

Required system software to play the game ( Optional )
DirectX Update - Download
NET Framework Update - Download
Visual C++ 2008 SP1 - Download
Visual C++ 2010 SP1 - Download
Visual C++ 2012 - Download
Visual C++ 2013 - Download
Visual C++ 2015 - Download

Important Notice – RataMap recently been taken down and now succesfuly recovered, but lots of useful comments and solutions are failed to recover/gone, so if you need assistance or question about any game that i post here just write it on the comment section and i will respond as soon as possible. Thank You